It was today that I realised something.
I can't function without music.
It's not as if I REALLY like's a complete dependance.
I realised today it is how I have kept my sanity these past 3 years at BGS, being one of, if not THE most unpopular person in my year level. Today in Maths, was listening to my iPod, (which I do for about 90% of my time at school, for reasons unbeknowns to me until now) when Mr Barr took it off me. I don't believe it was wrong of him to do so, indeed, it was the right decision for him to make as the position of authority in the classroom. Once he took it away, the entire class began jeering and taunting me as if I had just been expelled. I instinctively reached for my iPod, too turn it up and block them out.
Upon realising that it wasn't there, I did not panic, I did not run out of the room...I didn't respond outwardly at all...except for one thing. I widened my eyes, and my mind went blank. Not just a little was like...I could see what was going on, but I couldn't proccess it. It took about 5 minutes for me to calm down, throughout that time I could hardly think. By the time class was over, I was still a little phased-out, but OK. I got my iPod back, turned it on, and started it up again. Turning the music up loud enough so that I could hear nothing else, I calmed down completely, and continued on to my next class.
It was thinking back on this that I decided that the only reason I have not broken down after being so hated for so long is through my mind blocking out things that would threaten its stability. It's as if...if I wasn't capable of blocking things out, I would be that phased-out all the time...
Does that make me insane, and music is simply staving it off?
I'm probably being pessimistic, but I'm still a little freaked-out...
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Posted by
2:49 AM
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Valedictory Day
Well, today was Valedictory Day at BGS, the official "party" day for the year 12's about to leave the school for good.
We got to school and went to form period. Due to the fact that we would all probably die of alcohol-overdose just by breathing the very air of our form-room meant that we had to have roll-call outside. After that was taken-care of, we all filed into the hall...for a mock assembly.
Music was played and (badly) sung, several boys did impersanations of teachers in a pretend assembly, and a sattyrical comedy of Brighton Grammar was played. It was long, and comprised entirely of in-jokes, so I won't go into that here, but just know that it was moslty very comical.
After that, it was off to recess, then an hour of classes, then lunch (?), then a short 15-minute service, then another hour of classes, then another short service, ending with the year 12's cheering and going slightly crazy, then we all went home.
Not a bad least it breaks up the norm...
Posted by
10:21 PM
Monday, October 22, 2007
Saturday, October 20, 2007
*Insert shikamaru's catchphrase*
How troublesome.
Over the last week, I have spent the majority of my time sleeping. Second to that would be school. Third to that would be moving furniture. FURNITURE. What with the renovations, we have to keep moviong furniture in and out of storage. Mum/Dad don't want to pay goons to do it, so it's me and dad lifting things all day. It. Is. Tiring. Not only that, but we have to keep going without internet for several days, and I almost missed the 13th/7th division wedding. *Kept vague in case he would want me to.*
Speaking of the internet, I will now divulge my fourth largest time-spender: Attempting to set up the wireless for my laptop, which I installed XP on. I'm going to have it dual-boot so I can get the advantages of both Linux and Windows. fifth time spender? Singing "Ode to Joy" in my head, but replacing all the lyrics with "I hate Windows." The only reason it is fifth and not fourth is I don't hate Windows until I actually try to set up anything. Let's have a comparison, shall we?
Linux - Starting up.
*Takes about 45 seconds to load the GUI, after that, there is no more booting to be done.*
Windows - Starting up.
*Takes about 30 seconds to load the GUI, then about 5 minutes doing god-knows what, but it is enough to flog the system and prevent me from doing anything.*
Linux - Customising.
*Chooses a cool theme (One of about 10 that came default). Spends about 10 minutes changing the colours and gradients of all the windows, easily adds programs and applets to the taskbar, starts setting up folders in the home directory.
Windows - Customising.
*Chooses a dodgy theme (One of two). Spends about 15 minutes changing the colours and gradients to all the windows, before saving the settings, only to discover that, just to say "fuck you", Windows has discarded all of these settings you painstakingly perfected. Attempts to add programs to the startbar, but instead adds things that I can't, and won't use. Starts setting up folders in My Documents.*
Linux - Setting up the Wireless Network.
*Boots for the first time. Clicks the network button in the taskbar, brings up a list of wireless networks in range. Clicks "Sleight", inserts WEP key, and is now connected.*
Wow...that was easy.
Windows - Setting up the Wireless Network.
*Boots for the first time. The wireless applet does not even appear. Confused, opens up the Hardware List, there is no network card appearing. >_< Goes onto other laptop, downloads drivers for network card. Installs drivers, and the sound one, since Windows thinks I have no sound-card. Attempts to connect...again. Fails. Cannot find access point. Does some research, apparently I need SP2. Plugs network cable into laptop so I can download and install SP2. Installs it, and goes to sleep. Wakes up the next day and posts a blog about how grumpy he is with Windows.*
So yeah...hence the song in my head. At least I have an actual PC now... (Unpacked and plugged it in...since I'm now on a wired connection.....IT'S CS:S TIME!!!!!)
Posted by
6:12 PM
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Well...been a little while since I posted...and some things
School is going...well. I have been staying on top of all my work, and it' been paying off. I haven't been trailing behind or anything...if this keeps up, then I am going to pwn the final exams.
I suffered from serious GWS* symptoms yesterday, the main symptom being torn by a crazy video-game rage and desperately getting out the PS2, and a TV capable of playing NTSC games and playing games non-stop for about 9 hours. Started with FFXII, then I moved onto Naruto 1, 2, 3 and shippuden narutimate accel. I really have to play Alden in that next time I see him... I'm just on the laptop, foruming, msn-ing and posting in my blog. Off to nonna's for pizza tomorrow...which is nice.
Ja ne!
Posted by
12:41 AM
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Just feel like ties me to something.
Interesting, that I need to post something online, something non-material, detatched from the rest of the world.
Just so I can feel like I am still attached to something.
Almost like I'd just drift away if I didn't...
Posted by
6:15 PM
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Back again. school.
Something to do I guess...
Had some classes, then we got to do the Beep test in PE! Huzzah... T_T
Since this was the final time I would ever be doing it (No PE in VCE. :D), I decided to completely cop out...the other motivation for me not trying my hardest was the fact that I have slept about 6 hours in the past 2 days. >_<
I dropped out at 4.8, as a final insult to PE.
Then we had ITM, and I am certain that I will get 100%...what a waste of my time.
And now it's lunchtime...and I'm hungry.
What an interesting post. o_O. Btw, Linux is awesome.
Posted by
8:47 PM
Saturday, October 6, 2007
30 sentences begining with I.
I really have better things to do than this.
I have no idea why I'm not doing them.
I just decided that it doesn't really matter. :P
I like to blog.
I wish that this wasn't my last day of holidays.
I wish my new notebook's wireless internet worked. :'(
I should really be doing something more productive...
I have lots to do.
I like this keyboard.
I got it for gaming, but it's a good typing one nevertheless.
I also like my's cool.
I am currently just naming things around to the room to fill the sentences that...
I am supposed to be creating. =x
I have pretty much run out of idea's now...time to start describing me.
I am Lachlan.
I spend way too much time on the PC.
I wish I were better at maths.
I look forward to finishing school.
I can't wait until I go to visit Alden. :D
I want to see what Malaysia is like.
I occasionally wonder if he will come back for Uni, like he said...
I hope so.
I enjoy foruming, but
I find it can be a lot of work sometimes.
I can't wait to become an arrancar in the BARPG. :3
I think it will be very exciting. :)
I am hungry
I stayed up waaaay to late this...morning. =x
I am now finished the quiz. Goodbye. :P
Stolen from Alden's blog.
Tags: I don't have anyone that hasn't already been tagged. :P
Posted by
5:58 PM
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Halo 3! :D
Firstly, just let me say that I am currently sitting cross-legged on the back lawn of Nonna's house, hijacking the internet from next-door.
Secondly, let me say that Dad bought me a laptop, and it is awesome. I installed Linux on it, and now I'm messing around with Linux. It is very unfamiliar, but I can already tell from what I have learned so far that it is a far superior OS.
ANYWAY, what I meant to be blogging about...
Went to nicks house 2 days ago at 11:00. Started playing Halo 3 at 12:00. Stopped playing Halo 3 at 2:45. And no...that's AM. XD
Roughly 15 hours straight, stopping only for food, toilet and moving between upstairs (No HD) to downstairs (HD), and back. Yang and Matt didn't sleep over, but they stayed
till about 5. We played much Multiplayer, and I won the most games, for I am teh_pwnage. xD
Then Matt and Yang left. Nick and I started the campaign on co-op, (Heroic Diff.) and played that through. We finished it at about 2:30, and then we got off, watched some Heroes, and went to sleep. Woke up....later that morning, and ate some Lunch, then went home.
Halo 3 = awesome.
Dual Spikers = awesome. :D
Posted by
8:18 PM