I just remembered something I used to think of when I was young - perhaps 8 or 9.
I used to think of my vocabulary as a collection. As I learned new words, my collection expanded. I think I used to seek a sense of completion - a point where I knew enough words and I would be satisfied.
It used to be really fun, learning new words.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
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9:09 PM
Monday, September 7, 2009
My family and I were going on a holiday to a large city, I believe in London. The small motel we arrived in was quite poor, and we arrived at night. I stepped over a sleeping child and had some difficulty finding our room, which was also small. I took a single bed, with my sisters doing the same and my parents taking a double bed in the corner. The view from my window was poor, as it looked onto the outskirts of the city, but I could see a Lamborghini, so I wasn’t entirely put-out. A bit later, the rest of my family went out, and I noticed that above our room, somehow within earshot, were two engineers trying to orient what looked like a large pair of dice, suspended by steel cables. They were arguing about how they needed someone just under 18. After listening for a while, I called up to them that I was 17 and 4 months. Eager, they called me up. My clothes got very dusty on the walk up the stairs, and I finally helped them – they identified a problem and thanked me for my time. They wanted to eat me though, so I left in a hurry. There were people being trained in the art of engineering in a clean classroom in an adjescant room to their worksite, in contrast to the noisy, dusty site that I was in. I left and went back down to my room. I asked at reception if they had any Zippo lighters to buy, but they did not.
Somehow, I found myself needing to teach my cadets something about Japanese. They were being particularly unruly, so I was able to equip a laser beam that took about 5 seconds to charge under direct sunlight, and could not charge anywhere else. The beam lasted long enough to kill one cadet, and main another, if only aimed at one at a time. I began vaporising the more unruly cadets, and the rest mostly fell into place. I was watching Ms. Asai teach her lesson, and when she was finished, I began to teach my own. It went poorly however, and I was not in direct sunlight, so I could not use my laser.
Then the dream sort of fizzled out, and I woke up.
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2:27 PM
Friday, September 4, 2009
I wrote this the day after I had it, so it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. *shrugs*
We were at Cadet Camp.
I was at HQ, as I normally am, when one of my senior rank suddenly jumped up and brandished a knife. Everyone else thought it was a joke, but only I could see his eyes – they were solid black. The irises, whites, pupils, everything. He went at one of the guys around the fire, and I knew that he meant to kill him. I managed to grab his knife arm and make him drop the knife, but he began to attack me with his bare hands. Fueled by adrenaline, I finally managed to lock his arms behind his back. Silent, but furious and deadly, he fought me. I could think of nothing to do to calm him down – he wasn’t acting himself. Finally, in desperation, I spoke some words softly but forcefully to him – words that I didn’t know the meaning of, and he returned to normal. He relaxed in my arms, and was confused – he had no recollection of what had happened. After a bit of questioning, I discovered that he had been bitten by a very unusual spider. We soon learned that there was a nest of these spiders nearby. I called all of the cadets up onto the road using a fire drill – I needed them to hurry, and it was an emergency. I had one of the spiders dead in my hand, I asked if anyone had seen a spider like it. A few hands went up. One cadet said that he had been bitten by a spider like that. The cadets were wondering what was going on, and beginning to think that it was a waste of time. I had the cadet who had been bitten come up to the front. I had him turn around, with his back to me, and I locked his arms, like I had done for the first rank who had been affected. At first, everyone was confused, including the cadet who I grabbed, but he, after several seconds, grew silent, and the cadets watched, horrified, as his eyes turned black and he began to violently fight my grip. I told the cadets, as he struggled in my arms, what was happening, and finally spoke the words which I somehow could recite at will, but didn’t know myself what they were. I couldn’t have recounted them then, and I couldn’t recount them now. After the fuss had died down, four other cadets came up and said that they had been bitten. I had my rank bind them in much the same way I had, and we waited for them to turn. Before long, they did, and I spoke the words.
Suddenly, we saw a black carpet coming towards us from over the crest of a nearby hill. It was the spiders, millions of them. The staff were nowhere to be found. There were screams coming from the campsite, and I knew, somehow, that someone who was killed by an infected person would become infected themselves. I knew that it was too late for the platoon, and I took those who were still safe into the bus and began to drive it away.
The spiders were faster, however, and they began to catch up. They seeped in through the walls. I had someone else drive as I fought the ones who I had saved as they were bitten. But as I saved one, he would be bitten by three more of the spiders. Somehow, they were avoiding me. I looked back, and the one who I had driving – my best friend on the camp, had been bitten too, and he was advancing upon me with a knife. There was no one driving, and the bus careened over the side of a cliff. As it tumbled through the air, I despaired, for everyone on the camp was lost, and I was doomed to die by the hands of those I had attempted to save. And, as the bus reached the apex of its flight, and began to head towards the ground, I awoke.
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4:53 AM