Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Tagged by Alden...

Tagged by Alden Cheng.

1. The tag victim has to come up with 8 different points about his/her perfect lover.
2. Have to mention the gender of his/her perfect lover.
3. Tag eight other victims to join this game and leave a comment on their blog.
4. If you are tagged the second time, there is NO need to do this again.
5. Lastly, and most importantly, HAVE FUN DOING IT. (-____-)

my perfect lover will be :-
1) Intelligent. (Not smart, just......not an idiot.)
2) Understanding
3) Cheerful
4) Accepting
5) Calm
6) Faithful
7) Kind
8) Peaceful


I tag...
Everyone on my friends list... (I only have 5...*sobs*)