Well, exams are over. Of course, such an extraordinary event cannot go unblogged about, so I will now proceed to briefly outline my week of examinny goodness.
Day 1: 19th November, 2007.
Yes, the week had finally come. Exams were upon us. This came with a feeling of slight resignation, as I realised that I probably wouldn't be doing much worthwhile stuff this week. I did, however, feel slightly glad that I wouldn't be at school anywhere nearly as long as normal, and this meant more studying/relaxing time and less strenuous thinking time.
It's not all bad I suppose.
The first day was IT Multimedia, a flash exam, and Maths.
I'll start with the flash exam. Let me just say this: I have been working with flash for approximately a fifth of my life. 3 years. I seriously doubted that I would be having any trouble with this exam, but, just in case, I studied for it anyway. One does not want to become complacent. Well, the exam was about as easy as I thought it was. I got everything completed with about 30 minutes to spare, and then I began adding some extra-features, to grab some extra marks. This venture was, however, interrupted, as my keyboard went, for lack of a better word, apeshit. Every. Single. Key. Got. Randomly. Assigned. An. ASCII. Code. This meant, basically, that I typed the letter "A", and got the very useful "◄". Attempts at typing "Symbol 1" were met with the output of "^○(F┘dÚ". I tried going onto a different computer, to no avail. So, resigned to my efforts thus far, I took out my 'cube and began twiddling with that while waiting for the exam to end.
Next up was maths. I went in feeling fairly confident, I left feeling even more confident. I found it surprisingly easy. I am reasonably sure I will get a pretty good mark there.
Day 2: 20th November, 2007.
I was free for all of Tuesday, which was definitely a welcome reprise. I spent the majority of the day studying for my Commerce exam on Wednesday, but I did brush over a few key chapters in Macbeth, for good measure. I also started playing Call of Duty 2 again.
Day 3: 21st November, 2007.
I woke up late, did some last minute study, and headed out the door to start my second day of exams. Commerce was reasonably easy, but I suppose the whole reason I'm doing that subject is because it is easy.
English was...annoying. Although I do enjoy English, because of Mr Vernon being the monolithic pillar of negative-inspirational energy, I really couldn't be screwed producing anything of value for him. I churned out 3 B+ essays, and spent the rest of the time looking out the window. I suppose the only good part is the fact that never again will I have to quail under the Silver Fox's negative aura.
Day 4: 22nd November, 2007.
Well, IT Programming today. Fun AND challenging. A great subject choice. I walked into the exam at midday, walked out an hour-and-a-half later. It was quite an entertaining exam, since I rather enjoy programming, and I went quite well. Not really much to say.
Day 5: 23rd November, 2007.
Final day, final exam. Science. Biology. 3/4 work. It was a hard exam, but I knew most of the material that was on it, so it went fairly well. I was expecting a pretty good mark until I turned the paper over at the end and realised that I had missed the last page. Worth 7 marks - 14%.
My entire consciousness t that point: "Shit."
So now I am expecting a very mediocre mark. But oh well, that's the way the wafer crumbles.
And at that, the exams were over, quite abruptly. Now I have two days of peace before marching off to Cadet Camp '07, which should be...fun...
As long as it's anything like last year, with the bush-fires, building shelters out of sticks and sleeping under them in the rain, walking for 7 hours with 20kg strapped to your back, sleeping and waking up with spiders all over you, falling onto a tree only to disturb a NEST of huntsman's which begin crawling all over you...
Only this year, I get to be the one to deal with all the dickhead year 9's who consider me as much of a disciplinary leader as they do the pus-covered congealed blob of festering blood that they just picked off their scabbed elbow, before examining it critically and flicking it down into the dirt for someone to puzzle over later.
Yeah..should be good. Wish me luck...very, VERY good luck.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
An Intermittent Calm...
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9:42 PM
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