Rules: Do this tag and answer all the questions into your own blog. Delete one question from the questions listed and add one of your own questions. Make sure it's 20 questions. Tag 8 persons.
1. What was your dream when you were a small kid?
- To be a ninja. xD
2. What is your happiest thing in your whole life?
- Talking with my brother. :)
3. What do you wish to have now?
- About another 1500 dollars. Enough to buy my PC and visit somebody. :D
4. How should the world be seen?
- As home.
5. What have you realised recently?
- That it's Christmas tomorrow! :O
6. What is the bad habit that you cannot accept the most?
- Irrationality.
7. When you have something which you are unhappy about, what will you do?
- Ignore it. If I can't, run away from it.
8. Are you afraid of losing?
- Not afraid...but I sure hate it. xD
9. Do you think that you feel helpless, or uselesss, sometimes?
- Not really.
10. When you meet someone that you like, will you confess or hide your feelings?
- Probably hide, but I have no idea.
11. List out 3 kind of people you hate the most.
- 1. Prejudiced people
2. Irrational people
3. Those who relish the pain of others.
12. If you're given a chance to change the world, what will u do?
- Take out the monetary system. I know every economist in the world is cringing at that sentence, but there has to be a way to make it work, and even though it's impossible, it would solve almost every problem this world faces.
13. Are you satisfied with your life now? Do you think any changes should be made?
- My life right now is a thoroughfare from my past to my future. Am I satisfied with it? No. Would I change it if I could? No. It
14. When was the most recent time you felt touched?
- When I was watching Kimi ga Nozomu Eien. xD
15. Where is the place that you visited and you felt the most beautiful?
- The beach yesterday. I walked out onto a natural pier, made of rock, and smelt the sea air, felt the chilling breeze, and looked out upon the infinite azure of the sea.
16. Use a song to describe how you've felt recently.
- LIFE by Yui.
17. If you had one wish that'll come true, what is it?
- I would wish that I knew what I should have wished for.
18. Do you have anything to worry or to be scared about recently?
-I sure do.
19. What am I looking for in my life?
- To not die.
20. If you could take back one decision you made in your life, what would it be?
- To not drop Japanese lessons at the end of year six.
I tag... Everyone on my friends list! Unfortunately, they've all been tagged already, so that's sort of superficial. :/
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